Environmental Consulting
In recent years, the regulatory environment has become dynamic, complex, and often difficult to understand. P&A has the scientific expertise, field experience, and regulatory understanding to overcome these challenges. From permitting and regulatory compliance, to biological surveys and construction monitoring, we have gained the respect of the regulatory community and our clients by delivering high quality, cost-effective results in a timely manner.
Our staff of environmental consultants specializes in keeping clients involved, updated, and aware of current environmental regulations. P&A offers a variety of services that are necessary to prudent decisions in today’s ever changing regulatory atmosphere.
We have completed a multitude of projects to comply with Clean Air and Water Acts, NEPA, and similar state and federal requirements. Our clients range from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies. Most of our projects have come from repeat clients who appreciate the close attention we pay to details, our practical solutions to complex problems and the importance we place on maintaining their trust and satisfaction.
Some of our Environmental Consulting Services are:
Stream and Wetland Quality Assessments
Environmental Evaluations & Monitoring
Impact Evaluation and Consultation
Environmental Audits
Jurisdictional Determinations
Stream and Wetland Quality Assessments
Environmental Evaluations & Monitoring
Impact Evaluation and Consultation
401, 402 & 404 CWA Permit Procurement and Consultation
Cumulative Impact Assessments
Compensatory Mitigation Plans & Monitoring
Stream/Wetland Restoration Design & Construction Monitoring
Preliminary Assessments/Phase I (ESA/AAI) (ASTM E 1527-05)
Air Quality Monitoring & Permitting
Storm and Wastewater Management, Design & Permitting
Site Closure and Auditing as well as Expert Witness
West Virginia AST Registration and Permitting (SB 373)